Using examples state the differences between open and closed systems

Open and closed systems are two different types of systems that exhibit distinct characteristics. Here are the differences between open and closed systems, illustrated with examples:

  1. Interaction with the environment:
  • Open systems: An open system constantly interacts and communicates with its environment. It receives inputs from the environment and gives outputs back to it. For example, a business organization interacts with customers, suppliers, and competitors, adapting to market changes.
  • Closed systems: In contrast, a closed system does not interact or communicate with its environment. It operates in isolation and does not receive inputs or give outputs to the environment. An example of a closed system is a computer program that processes predefined inputs and produces predefined outputs without external interaction.
  1. Adaptability to changes:
  • Open systems: Open systems are flexible and adaptable to changes in their environment. They can adjust their operations, processes, and strategies to respond to market conditions, competition, and other external factors. Business organizations are open systems that must adapt to evolving customer demands and market trends.
  • Closed systems: Closed systems lack the ability to adapt to changes in the environment. They operate based on predefined rules and processes without considering external factors. A computer program, once developed, does not change its functionality unless it is modified by a programmer.
  1. Scope of services:
  • Open systems: Open systems have an unlimited scope when providing services. They can offer a wide range of products, services, or solutions to meet diverse customer needs. For example, a business organization can expand its product line or enter new markets to cater to a broader customer base.
  • Closed systems: Closed systems have a limited scope when providing services. They are designed to perform specific functions or tasks without the ability to extend beyond their predefined capabilities. A computer program is limited to the specific inputs and outputs it was designed for.

In summary, open systems interact with the environment, adapt to changes, and have an unlimited scope of services, while closed systems operate in isolation, lack adaptability, and have a limited scope of services.

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