Give characteristics and example of a soft system

Soft systems are characterized by their fluid boundaries, conflicting goals and objectives, and the difficulty in defining precise measures of performance. Here are the characteristics and an example of a soft system:

Characteristics of a soft system:

  1. Fluid boundaries: Soft systems have boundaries that may change or evolve over time. These boundaries are not fixed and can be influenced by various factors and interactions.
  2. Conflicting goals and objectives: The goals and objectives of soft systems often conflict and may not be clearly captured at any given time. These goals are influenced by human factors such as attitudes and preferences, making them subjective and dynamic.
  3. Difficulty in defining measures of performance: Soft systems pose challenges in precisely defining the exact measures of performance due to their subjective nature and dependence on human factors.

Example of a soft system:
A political system is an example of a soft system. It is difficult to create a system that can accurately predict the political mood in a country over a period of time. Political dynamics are influenced by various factors such as public opinion, social issues, and individual ideologies, making it challenging to model and predict outcomes with certainty.

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