Internet and E-mail Course Outline: Exploring Connectivity, Services, and Responsible Usage


4.5.1 Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

a) Define internet

b) Explain the development of internet

c) Explain the importance of internet

d) Describe internet connectivity

e) Identify internet services

f) Access internet

g) Use e-mail facilities

h) State the moral, social, and spiritual issues that may emerge through access to the internet

4.5.2 Content

4.5.3 Definition of Internet

4.5.4 Development of Internet

4.5.5 Importance of Internet

4.5.6 Internet Connectivity

  • Telecommunication facilities
  • Modems
  • Internet service providers (ISP)
  • Internet software

4.5.7 Internet Services

  • World Wide Web (www)
  • Electronic mail (e-mail)
  • Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
  • Electronic Learning (e-learning)

4.5.8 Accessing Internet

  • Log-in/sign-in
  • Surf browse
  • Search engines and hyperlinks
  • Downloading/saving/printing

4.5.9 Electronic Mail (e-mail)

  • Definition
  • E-mail software
  • E-mail facilities
    i) Mails (checking, composing, forwarding, sending, saving, and printing)
    ii) Fax
    iii) File attachment
    iv) Online meetings
    v) Telephone messages
    vi) Contact management

N.B Emphasis is on the procedure and not necessarily on online connectivity

4.5.10 Use the internet to access information on emerging issues

  • HIV and AIDS
  • Drug abuse
  • Environmental issues
  • Moral integrity

Detailed Answer

The course outline for “Internet and E-mail” is structured as follows:

4.5.0 INTERNET AND E-MAIL (14 LESSONS): This section introduces the topic and indicates the number of lessons that will be covered.

4.5.1 Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of the course are listed, which include defining internet, explaining its development, importance, connectivity, identifying internet services, accessing the internet, and using e-mail facilities. Additionally, the learner should be able to understand the moral, social, and spiritual issues that may arise through internet access.

4.5.2 Content: This section provides an overview of the content covered in the course.

4.5.3 Definition of Internet: The definition of the internet is explained.

4.5.4 Development of Internet: The historical development of the internet is discussed.

4.5.5 Importance of Internet: The importance of the internet in various aspects of life is highlighted.

4.5.6 Internet Connectivity: This section covers the different aspects of internet connectivity, including telecommunication facilities, modems, internet service providers (ISPs), and internet software.

4.5.7 Internet Services: Various internet services are introduced, such as the World Wide Web (www), electronic mail (e-mail), electronic commerce (e-commerce), and electronic learning (e-learning).

4.5.8 Accessing Internet: The process of accessing the internet is explained, including logging in or signing in, browsing, using search engines and hyperlinks, and downloading/saving/printing content.

4.5.9 Electronic Mail (e-mail): This section focuses on e-mail, providing its definition, discussing e-mail software, and explaining the different e-mail facilities available, such as checking, composing, forwarding, sending, saving, and printing mails. It also covers additional features like fax, file attachment, online meetings, telephone messages, and contact management.

4.5.10 Use the internet to access information on emerging issues: The final section of the course encourages learners to utilize the internet to gather information on emerging issues like HIV and AIDS, drug abuse, environmental issues, and moral integrity.

In summary, the course outline for “Internet and E-mail” provides a comprehensive structure for learners to understand the various aspects of the internet, connectivity, and e-mail, while also emphasizing the importance of responsible internet usage and accessing information on emerging issues.

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