KCSE/KICD Computer Studies Course Outline: System Development

KCSE/KICD Computer Studies Course Outline: System Development


9.1.0 Specific Objectives:

By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:
a) describe a system
b) define an information system
c) state the purpose of an information system
d) identify the stages of system development
e) develop a system using a case study
f) write a report on the case study

9.2.0 Content:
9.2.1 Description of a system
9.2.2 Definition of an Information system
9.2.3 Purpose of an Information System
9.2.4 Stages of system development:

  • Problem recognition and definition
  • Information gathering (e.g., investigation, observation, interviews, questionnaires)
  • Requirement specification for the new system
  • System design
  • System construction
  • System implementation
  • System review and maintenance
    (*A number of theories exist on system development. The above is a general guide to the stages.)

9.2.5 System Documentation:

  • Reports on fact-finding/information gathering
  • System flowchart
  • Table file structure/descriptions
  • Sample data
  • Output reports
  • User manual

In this KCSE/KICD Computer Studies course, the topic of System Development is covered extensively. The course aims to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to understand the various aspects of developing a system. The specific objectives of this topic include describing a system, defining an information system, stating the purpose of an information system, identifying the stages of system development, developing a system using a case study, and writing a report on the case study.

The content of this topic covers several areas. It begins with a description of a system, followed by the definition of an information system and the purpose it serves. The stages of system development are then discussed, starting with problem recognition and definition, followed by information gathering through various methods such as investigation, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The next stages include requirement specification for the new system, system design, system construction, system implementation, and finally, system review and maintenance. It is important to note that while the stages mentioned above serve as a general guide, there are various theories on system development.

System documentation is also a crucial aspect of system development. This includes reports on fact-finding and information gathering, system flowcharts, table file structure and descriptions, sample data, output reports, and a user manual.

By covering these topics and objectives, the course aims to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of system development. This knowledge will enable them to effectively develop and manage systems in various real-world scenarios.

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