State five factors that led to the growth of a strong Buganda Kingdom in the 19th century.

State five factors that led to the growth of a strong Buganda Kingdom in the 19th century.        (5mks)

  • Buganda was small and compact hence it was easy to govern.
  • Good, strong and capable rulers who were able to unite their people.
  • She had a strong army for defence and conquest which was loyal to the king.
  • She had acquired a lot of wealth from the areas she conquered e.g. ivory, slaves.
  • The Ganda traditions which had defined duties for men and women.
  • The area had fertile soil and ample rainfall ideal for cultivation especially bananas, the staple crop for the people.
  • Participation in the long distance trade where she acquired firearms which the Kabaka used to remain in power.
  • Buganda lay next to Lake Victoria hence had good communication and natural defence against her neighbours.
  • Decline of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom.
  • Had a centralized government led by a king (Kabaka).

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