KCSE 2013 MARKING SCHEMES: Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 (315/1)

Read this detailed review of the Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Answers from the KCSE 2013 exam. Explore the ways in which devotees communicate with Paramatma, the role of Lord Mahavir in promoting non-violence, teachings of Sant Kabir, and much more.

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A Comprehensive Review of Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Answers

The Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Answers from the KCSE 2013 exam provide a comprehensive overview of various topics related to Hinduism. The answers cover the ways in which devotees communicate with Paramatma, including prayer, puja, and meditation. It also delves into the ways of practicing Dharma, such as participating in games, obeying elders, and caring and sharing.

The role of Paramatma in the Trimurti is discussed, highlighting Brahma’s creation, Vishnu’s sustenance, and Mahesh/Shiva’s liberation. Lord Mahavir’s contribution to promoting non-violence is emphasized, including responding to violence with calmness, practicing meditation, and preaching non-violence through words, thoughts, and deeds.

The teachings of Sant Kabir are also explored, emphasizing respect for the Guru, all religions, and the belief that Parmatma is the same in all religions. The paper also highlights the importance of living a simple life and the concept of Anekantvad – respect for all religions.

The role of Dhammapada in Buddhism is discussed, highlighting its significance as a scripture for Buddhists and its teachings on detachment, non-violence, the middle path, and the eight-fold path. The ways in which Lord Rama demonstrated being an ideal son and an ideal king are also explored, emphasizing his care for his parents, obedience, and just rule.

The importance of controlling the mind in the practice of Indriya Nigraha is emphasized, including the need to see good and avoid evil, hear good and avoid evil, and tolerate smoothness and roughness. The duties of a Vanaprasthi, including retirement from active life, studying scriptures, and passing on acquired knowledge to others, are highlighted.

The paper also discusses the five daily Yajnas for a Grahasthi, paying homage to various entities in the Mahamantra, and the Sikh principle of forbidding intoxicants and its impact on Kenyan youth. Finally, it explores the beings from whom Jains seek forgiveness during Pratikraman, including plants, animals, fellow human beings, insects, and elders.

In conclusion, the Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Answers provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of various aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The answers offer valuable insights into the practices, teachings, and beliefs of these religions, making it an essential resource for students and anyone interested in understanding these faiths better.

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