KCSE 2013 MARKING SCHEMES: Christian Religious Education Paper 2 (313/2)

Read a comprehensive review of the Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Answers KCSE 2013, which provides a detailed analysis of the questions and answers related to the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist, the mission of John the Baptist, the church’s role in supporting families, Jesus choosing the twelve disciples, and Jesus’ teachings on watchfulness and readiness.

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A Detailed Review of Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Answers KCSE 2013

In the Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Answers KCSE 2013, various topics related to the Christian faith and teachings are covered. The document provides detailed answers to questions regarding the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist, the mission of John the Baptist, the church’s role in supporting families, Jesus choosing the twelve disciples, and Jesus’ teachings on watchfulness and readiness.

The first section focuses on the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist. It discusses the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to Zechariah in the temple and the message delivered to him. The answers provide a thorough explanation of the encounter, including the location, position of the angel, and the information given to Zechariah. The document also highlights the consequences of Zechariah’s unbelief.

Moving on, the next section explores what Christians can learn about the person and mission of John the Baptist from the message of Angel Gabriel to Zechariah. The answers emphasize the joy and gladness John would bring to many people, his Nazarite status, and his role in preparing the way for the Messiah. The document also highlights the significance of John’s work and the qualities he possessed.

The third section delves into how the church in Kenya assists families in coping with challenges. The answers mention the organization of seminars and workshops, guidance and counseling services, home visits, and the production of literature on Christian living. Additionally, the document highlights the church’s role in praying for families, providing vocational training, offering employment opportunities, and condemning vices that threaten family life.

The fourth section focuses on Jesus’ encounter by the lake of Gennesaret and the miraculous catch of fish. The answers discuss the amazement of Simon Peter and his companions, Jesus’ command to not be afraid, and the decision to follow Jesus. The document also highlights the reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples, such as teaching them the secrets of the Kingdom of God, having companions and assistants, and forming an inner group to assist in his ministry.

Next, the document explores a parable about a widow and an unjust judge. The answers explain the situation of the judge and the persistence of the widow in seeking justice. It also discusses the lessons learned from this parable, including the importance of persistence in prayer and the expectation of divine justice.

Finally, the document discusses Jesus’ teachings on watchfulness and readiness. The answers emphasize the need for believers to be prepared for his coming, to keep their lamps burning, and to be alert. The consequences for those who are found unprepared or mistreat others are also highlighted.

Overall, the Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Answers KCSE 2013 provides detailed and comprehensive explanations of various topics related to the Christian faith. The document offers valuable insights into the annunciation of John the Baptist, the mission of John the Baptist, the church’s role in supporting families, Jesus choosing the twelve disciples, and Jesus’ teachings on watchfulness and readiness. It serves as a helpful resource for students and individuals interested in deepening their understanding of these subjects.

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