Explain six roles played by opposition political parties in nation building in Kenya.

Explain six roles played by opposition political parties in nation building in Kenya. (12 marks)

  • They offer an alternative solutions to country’s problems in parliament.
  • Participate in political decision making in parliamentary committees.
  • They sell alternative general ideas to the general citizens of the country.
  • They support strict adherence to the process of democratization, good governance and transparency in public affairs and wage war against corruption.
  • They repeal unjust and oppressive laws.
  • They pressurize the government to release all political prisoners and guard against arbitrary arrest and detention.
  • They work for establishment of free and independent trade Unions.
  • Secure and ensure the availability of quality education at all levels and for all Kenyans.
  • Marketing of food crops e.g. maize, rice etc.
  • They influence better performance of agricultural institution e.g. (A.F.C)
  • They work to improve health services and ensure the reform and the independence of the judiciary.
  • They complement government efforts in national development.

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