The Effect of Awarding English More Lessons than Sciences and Technical Subjects in the Sustainable Development of a Country

English fighting two other persons labeled Technical and Sciences

The Impact of Prioritizing English Education on Sustainable Development

In today’s rapidly advancing world, the importance of sciences and technical subjects cannot be overstated. These fields play a vital role in the sustainable development of a country. While English language education is valuable, focusing on sciences and technical subjects can have significant positive effects on a nation’s progress. This essay examines the advantages of prioritizing sciences and technical subjects over English education in the pursuit of sustainable development.


  1. Global Communication: English is the universal language of communication, and prioritizing English education can enhance a country’s ability to connect and collaborate with people from different parts of the world.
  2. Access to Information: English is the dominant language used in academic research, scientific journals, and technological advancements. Focusing on English language education enables individuals to gain access to a vast amount of information and stay updated with the latest developments in various fields.
  3. International Opportunities: Proficiency in English opens up opportunities for higher education, employment, and research collaborations at prestigious international institutions, thereby expanding the horizons for individuals and contributing to their personal and professional growth.
  4. Cultural Exchange: English language education facilitates cultural exchange and understanding among people from different backgrounds. It promotes diversity, tolerance, and appreciation of different cultures, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.
  5. Global Workforce: A strong command of English allows individuals to participate in the global job market, increasing their chances of securing employment in multinational companies and organizations that operate on an international scale.
  6. Enhanced Soft Skills: English education often emphasizes the development of soft skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are valuable in various professional settings and can contribute to personal and career success.
  7. Tourism and Hospitality: English is widely spoken in the tourism and hospitality industry. Prioritizing English education can boost the sector by enabling individuals to communicate effectively with tourists, provide quality service, and attract international visitors.


  1. Neglect of Sciences and Technical Subjects: Overemphasis on English education may lead to a neglect of sciences and technical subjects. This can result in a shortage of skilled professionals in critical sectors such as engineering, medicine, and technology, hindering the country’s progress in these areas.
  2. Limited Local Language Development: Prioritizing English education may undermine the development and preservation of local languages and cultures. Language is an essential part of a country’s identity, and neglecting it can lead to cultural erosion.
  3. Inequality in Education: The overemphasis on English education may create a gap between those who can afford to access quality English education and those who cannot. This can result in social inequality, as opportunities for higher education and employment may be limited to those who have a strong command of English.
  4. Over Reliance on Foreign Resources: Prioritizing English education may lead to overreliance on foreign resources, such as textbooks and educational materials. This can impact the country’s economy and hinder the development of indigenous resources and knowledge.
  5. Brain Drain: If English education is given excessive priority, it may lead to a brain drain, with highly skilled individuals seeking opportunities in countries where English is the primary language. This can result in a loss of talent and expertise in the home country.
  6. Limited Technical Innovation: Neglecting technical subjects can hamper the country’s ability to innovate and develop new technologies. This can hinder the growth of industries and limit the country’s competitiveness on a global scale.
  7. Economic Imbalance: Overemphasis on English education may lead to an imbalance in the economy, with more focus on service-based industries that require language skills, rather than the development of manufacturing and technical sectors.
  8. Disconnection from Local Context: Prioritizing English education may result in a disconnection from the local context, as individuals may become more focused on global issues and trends rather than addressing the specific needs and challenges of their own communities.
  9. Loss of Traditional Skills: By neglecting technical subjects, there may be a decline in traditional skills and craftsmanship that are essential for preserving cultural heritage and promoting local industries.
  10. Lack of Innovation in Education: Overemphasis on English education may lead to a lack of innovation in the education system itself, as the focus shifts primarily towards language proficiency rather than adopting innovative teaching methodologies and approaches.

In conclusion, prioritizing sciences and technical subjects in education is crucial for the sustainable development of a country. These fields provide the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle complex challenges, promote innovation, and drive economic growth. By investing in science and technical education, a country can develop a skilled workforce, foster technological advancements, and address pressing societal issues. While English language education is important, it should not overshadow the significance of scientific and technical knowledge. Striking a balance between these disciplines will contribute to a well-rounded education system that empowers individuals and propels a nation towards sustainable development.

Do you think by awarding English more lessons than Sciences and Technical subjects is hampering sustainable economic growth in Kenya? Answer in the comment section below.

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