The parable of the Coins ( Lk 19:11-27)

  • A nobleman was going to a far country to be made a king
  • before he left, he called ten of his servants and gave each a gold coin.
  • He instructed them to trade with the gold coins.
  • When he returned from his journey, he called the ten servants so that they could show what they had gained from trading with the coins.
  • The first one had earned 10 gold coins with the one he had been given and the second had earned five gold coins.
  • The two servants were commented for working had and for making profits. The master increased their responsibilities.
  • The third servant had ignored his master’s instructions. He did not trade with the gold coin; instead, he hid it in a handkerchief.
  • His master was annoyed with him. he condemned him. He took a way the one gold coin he had and gave it to the servant who had the 10 gold coins.
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