Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in genesis 15:1-9.

Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in genesis 15:1-9. (7mks)

  1. God appeared to Abraham in vision.
  2. Abraham was disturbed for not having a son in his old/Abraham thought that a slave from his household would be his heir
  3. God assured him of a son/heir
  4. God assured him that his descendants would be as many as stars.
  5. Abraham believed in God’s promises.
  6. God reminded Abraham of where he had brought him from.
  7. Abraham wanted reassurance from god.
  8. God told him to bring him the following. –a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old she-goat, a three-year-old lamb, a fertile dove, and a young pigeon.
  9. Abraham brought them, cut them into halves, and laid each half opposite the other.
  10. Abraham drove away the birds of prey that came into the carcasses.
  11. At sunset, Abraham fell into a deep sleep.
  12. God gave Abraham other promises.
  13. At night a smoking firepot and flaming torch passed in between the…
  14. God made a covenant with Abraham.


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