KCSE 2013 Marking Schemes: Geography Paper 2 (312/2)

This review provides a detailed analysis of the answers to the Geography Paper 2 exam for KCSE 2013. It covers various topics such as irrigation schemes, human encroachment, international trade, settlement patterns, and population growth. The essay includes paraphrasing, expanding, and providing descriptive explanations for each question. It also highlights the importance of understanding statistical methods and provides a thorough examination of the data presented in the exam. This review serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for the Geography Paper 2 exam.

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A Comprehensive Review of Geography Paper 2 Answers for KCSE 2013

The Geography Paper 2 exam for KCSE 2013 covers a wide range of topics related to geography. In this review, we will analyze the answers provided for each question and provide a detailed explanation.

In question 1(a), the method of irrigation used in the Perkerra irrigation scheme is furrow or canal irrigation. This method involves the use of channels or ditches to distribute water to the crops. Moving on to question 1(b), the factors that contributed to the success of the Perkerra irrigation scheme are the availability of extensive land for irrigation, water from River Perkerra, irrigation by gravity, presence of fertile loamy/alluvial soils, and the sparse population in the area.

Question 2 focuses on the effects of human encroachment into wildlife habitats. The answers include the killing or dying of some animals, the risk of extinction for certain species, the onset of wildlife predation or competition, fragmentation or reduction of habitats, and the migration of some animals.

Moving on to question 3(a), two countries to which Kenya exports petroleum products are Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Comoros, and Southern Sudan. In question 3(b), the factors affecting the choice of trading partners are the similarities or differences in the goods produced, the purchasing power of the people, availability of transport and communication networks, political stability, international trade agreements or restrictions, level of technology, varying exchange rates, and the availability of aids to trade.

Question 4(a) focuses on factors leading to the development of nucleated settlement patterns. The answers include the availability of social amenities, presence of natural resources or industrial plants, limitation of land for building, assurance of security or defense, and government policies on settlement. In question 4(b), two differences in the functions of Nairobi and New York are highlighted. Nairobi serves as an inland or dry port, a national capital, and a regional commercial center, while New York functions as a seaport, a state capital, and an international commercial center.

Question 5 explores the methods of flood control. The answers include constructing channels, ditches, or furrows to drain off water, constructing dykes or levees along river banks, building dams across rivers or earth dams, training or redirecting rivers, and planting trees in catchment areas.

Moving on to Section B, question 6 involves analyzing population data. Two other statistical methods that can be used to represent the data in addition to a pie chart are simple bar graphs and proportional circles. The question also requires drawing a pie chart to represent the population size of four districts in Nairobi in 2009.

In question 7(a), the minerals mined in areas J, K, and L are identified as limestone, soda ash or trona, and oil, respectively. Question 7(b) focuses on the factors influencing the exploitation of minerals, including the mode of occurrence, level of technology, and transportation.

In conclusion, this review has provided a comprehensive analysis of the answers to the Geography Paper 2 exam for KCSE 2013. It has covered various topics and provided detailed explanations for each question. This review serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for the Geography Paper 2 exam, offering a deeper understanding of the concepts and topics covered in the exam.

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