KCSE 2013 Marking Schemes: Geography Paper 2 (312/2)

Get detailed answers to the KCSE 2013 Geography Paper 1 questions. This comprehensive resource provides in-depth explanations and descriptions of various geographical concepts, including the structure of the atmosphere, weather conditions in the troposphere, factors affecting slope movement, river features, glacial moraines, soil degeneration, and more. The content also includes map analysis and explanations of social functions and trading factors in Karatina town. Whether you’re a student or a geography enthusiast, this resource is a valuable tool for enhancing your understanding of geography.

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A Comprehensive Geography Resource: KCSE 2013 Geography Paper 1 Answers

The KCSE 2013 Geography Paper 1 Answers provide a comprehensive and detailed resource for students and geography enthusiasts. The content covers various topics, starting with the structure of the atmosphere and its different layers, including the mesosphere (P) and thermosphere/ionosphere (Q). The discontinuity marked R is identified as the tropopause.

The weather conditions in the troposphere are described, highlighting that temperatures decrease with an increase in height, and pressure falls with an increase in height. Additionally, the speed of the wind increases with an increase in height, and this layer contains most of the atmospheric water vapor and clouds.

The paper also addresses slope movement, discussing the factors that contribute to it. These factors include seismic activity, overburden or weathered rock materials, moisture, lack of vegetation, excavation or mining activities, rearrangement of soil particles by living organisms, and the angle and nature of the slope.

River features are explored, with the ox-bow lake (S) and alluvial deposits (T) being identified. Furthermore, the conditions necessary for the formation of an ox-bow lake are explained, such as a reduction in river gradient, the presence of obstacles in the river channel, and lateral erosion on the outer side of the river banks.

Glacial moraines are described, and the different types are listed, including lateral, medial, terminal, ground or subglacial, recessional, englacial, and push moraines.

The paper also provides information on soil degeneration, listing physical, chemical, and biological degeneration as the types. Additionally, it highlights the various uses of soil, such as crop cultivation, mineral sources, raw materials for industries, construction materials, fuel resources, and livestock feeds.

The map analysis section focuses on Karatina, a town in Kenya. The map is used to answer questions related to grid references, bearings, distances, and the identification of features such as roads, forests, and a coffee factory.

The content also explores the vegetation types found in the area covered by the map, including thick forests, woodlands, papyrus swamps, riverine trees, scrub vegetation, and scattered trees.

Lastly, the social functions of Karatina town are discussed, emphasizing its role as an educational, residential, religious, health, security, and administration center.

Overall, the KCSE 2013 Geography Paper 1 Answers offer a comprehensive and detailed resource for understanding various geographical concepts. It provides clear explanations, descriptions, and examples, making it an invaluable tool for students preparing for exams or anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of geography.

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