KCSE 2013 Marking Schemes: General Science Paper 2

Read a detailed review of the General Science Paper 2 (KCSE 2013) with comprehensive answers, explanations, and examples. This paper covers Biology and Chemistry topics, providing clear insights into disease causative agents, reproductive organs, genetic variations, support and movement in plants, chemical reactions, and more. The essay presents a thorough analysis of each question, expanding on key concepts and providing paraphrased explanations. This review is a valuable resource for students preparing for exams or seeking a better understanding of these subjects.

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The General Science Paper 2 (KCSE 2013) provides comprehensive answers to questions on Biology and Chemistry. In the Biology section, the paper covers various topics such as disease causative agents, symptoms, reproductive organs, genetic variations, and the importance of support and movement in plants.

For instance, in question 1, the paper provides the causative agents and symptoms of diseases like gonorrhea and candidiasis. It describes how gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhea and presents symptoms like itching of the urethra, yellowish discharge, pain when urinating, and vaginal odor. Similarly, it explains that candidiasis is caused by Candida albicans and presents symptoms like itching and burning sensation of the genital organs and white discharge from the vagina.

Question 2 focuses on the reproductive organs, specifically the ovary and uterus. The paper explains that the ovary produces eggs and female hormones, while the uterus is where the embryo develops and aids in the expulsion of the developed fetus during birth.

In question 5, the paper discusses the concept of variation and genotype. It defines variation as the differences in traits that occur among members of the same species and explains that genotype refers to the genes an organism possesses for a particular trait. It also mentions that genotype determines the genetic composition of an organism and influences the expression or suppression of other genes in offspring.

Moving on to the Chemistry section, the paper covers topics such as chemical reactions, compounds, and their uses. Question 11 focuses on organic compounds, specifically but-1-ene. The paper provides the correct name and formula for this compound.

Question 13 delves into the reactions involving acid and bases. It explains the exothermic reaction that occurs when sulfur dioxide is dissolved in water, and it mentions the use of oleum and vanadium (V) oxide or platinum/platinized asbestos as catalysts in this process.

The paper also discusses the rate of reaction in question 14 and the use of potassium manganate (VII)/CaOCl2 to remove hydrogen chloride gas produced by an acid in question 15.

Overall, the General Science Paper 2 (KCSE 2013) review offers detailed and comprehensive answers to each question, providing clarity and understanding of the topics covered. It serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for exams or seeking a better understanding of Biology and Chemistry concepts.

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