Manyam Franchised Tests

ENGLISH   |   KCPE   |   2006


NAME…………..……………..…………. SCHOOL…………….…………………DATE……………… TIME: 2 hours

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

            When some people shower us with praise, we feel very flattered, ___1___ we? In our delight, we forget that ___2___ people may have bad intentions ___3___us. Take the story of the crow ___4___ the fox, for example, the hardworking cow had managed to snatch a piece of roast meat from the butcher.  Up she ___5___with it into the branches of a tall tree, intending to enjoy her___6___

            The fox had been watching all this with a watering mouth for he really wanted the ___7___ piece for himself. He therefore planned his approach very ___8___. “Oh crow,” he said, “your eyes shine ___9___ than all the stars, and your neck is ___10___ beautifully long. Your wings, my friend,___11___ be more graceful!” the fox continued, “But alas! How unfortunate ___12___ you were born dumb. I am sure yours would have been a melodious ___13___.” The crow was pleased with the flattery. However, she was annoyed that the fox thought she could not sing. She therefore wanted to__14___ the fox. She opened her mouth to sing and the meat dropped right ___15___ waiting mouth of the fox.

            A                                 B                                  C                                  D

1.      Do                                don’t                            are                                aren’t

2.      Some                            many                            most                             such

3.      Towards                       to                                 against                          for

4.      Or                                against                          and                               with

5.      Flies                             fly                                flown                            flew

6.      Reward                         prize                             award                           price

7.      Nice                             good                             juicy                             sweet

8.      Carefully                      quickly                         seriously                       quietly

9.      Better                           brighter                         best                              brightest

10.   So                                very                              quite                             rather

11.   Shouldn’t                      wouldn’t                       mustn’t                         couldn’t

12.   As                                since                             that                               for

13.   Tune                             sound                           voice                            song

14.   Surprise                        shock                            astonish                        amaze

15.   In                                 into                              to                                 down

For questions 16 to 18, select the alternative that best completes the sentence.

16.   Kemboi chose to walk the three kilometres to the market ___ it was very hot

A.    Because

B.     But

C.     While

D.    Though

17.   “Come first December this year and my sister____ two years old,”

A.    Shall be

B.     Will be

C.     Could be

D.    Should be

18.   The teacher was very____ with the pupils who had not done their home work

A.    Sad

B.     Annoyed

C.     Disturbed

D.    Sorry

For questions 19 to 21, select the alternative that means the same as the underlined expression

19.   Njeri works very hard in spite of the fact that  she is very old

A.    Although

B.     But

C.     Moreover

D.    Despite

20.   Wanyama wanted to make up for  the time he had lost

A.    Create

B.     Restore

C.     Replace

D.    Recover

21.   Abdi was in a hurry to wind up the meeting

A.    Postpone

B.     End

C.     Leave

D.    Stop

In questions 22 and 23, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence

22.   Had it not been for the quick response of the ambulance team, the patient would not have survived

A.    The ambulance team responded quickly and the patient survived

B.     If the ambulance team had responded quickly, the patient would have survived

C.     Because the ambulance team responded quickly the patient survived

D.    If the ambulance team responded quickly, the patient would not have survived

23.   In a court of law, people who have broken the law without knowing it still get punished for the offence

A.    People get punished in a court of law only for breaking the law deliberately

B.     Whether people break the law or not, they are punished in a court of law

C.     People get punished in a court of law whether or not they were aware that they broke the law

D.    People who get punished in a court of law neither have broken a law nor are they aware of it

For questions 24 and 25, choose the best arrangement of the sentences to make a sensible paragraph


24.   (i) People with diabetes are advised to eat a special diet that will either increase or reduce the sugar levels

(ii)             In one three is excess sugar in the bloodstream while in the other there isn’t enough

(iii)           The disease appears in two different forms

(iv)            Diabetes has become a serious world problem

A.    (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

B.     (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

C.     (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

D.    (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

25.   (i) pupils who pass examinations are those who are both diligent and disciplined

(ii) Studying involves both discipline and diligence

(iii) Discipline, on the other hand, requires planned, regular and persistent preparation for lessons as well as continuous revision of work covered

(iv)Diligence refers to the care, determination and hard work a pupil puts into the study

A.    (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

B.     (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

C.     (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

D.    (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)


Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38

      Last December, Fulora and her brother Jakobo spent the holidays at their uncle’s home. One thing they loved was the large space in which they could play as much as they wished. Furthermore, uncle Samba did not mind their playing all day; much of the house work was done by the house help.

      It was the last day of the holidays and the two had decided to enjoy themselves as much as possible in the little time left. They were too busy playing with a ball to notice the mother hen together with her seven chicks feeding nearby. Suddenly, one of the chicks let out a feeble squeak and lay lifeless. Fulora had thrown the ball which hit the young bird rather hard.

      “Fulora, you have killed it! What will you say?” whispered Jakobo after looking in all directions to ensure no one was watching. Fulora, who was trembling with fear, said she would explain everything to uncle Samba and apologise. But Jakobo would hear none of it. “If you do that, we shall never be allowed to set foot here again. The best thing to do is hide the chick and pretend nothing happened.” Fulora nodded in agreement and a deal was sealed. Not a word was to be spoken to anyone about the ball and the chick incident.

      Little did Fulora realise that she had sold herself into slavery. Whenever Jakobo had any task he did not feel like performing, he demanded that Fulora do it. Any protests from her were met by the words; “The ball and the chick, remember?” Fearing that her shameful act would be exposed, she would carry out the task without further complaint.

      Soon, Fulora was doing almost all of Jakobo’s work at school and at home. When he saw her doing her own work, he assumed she was idle and immediately came up with a task she had to do. Fed up with this arrangement, Fulora one day made up her mind to free herself from the chains of guilt. She chose a moment when her brother was away and her mother seemed to be in high spirits and told her everything.

      “My dear, I already know about the incident. Uncle Samba told me all about it. He saw everything happen from his bedroom window. I have been waiting to see whether you are as honest as you claim to be. Now am glad you’ve confessed,” Mother said sweetly. “What upset me however is the fact that you have allowed your brother to blackmail you for all this time.” After apologising and thanking her mother for understanding, Fulora felt as if she had suddenly been relieved of a heavy load.

      That evening Jakobo came home and demanded that Fulora take off his shoes from his feet. He claimed he had walked for a long distance and was dog-tired. Fulora ignored him. He began his usual threats but all fell on deaf ears.

      “Mummy will know today that you murdered uncle Samba’s chick!” he thundered, walking out of the room.

      Seething with anger, Jakobo stormed into the living room where his mother was reading. He tried to speak but words deserted him. The look on his face told her that something was terribly wrong. “What is it?” She inquired. Before he could utter a word, there was a knock at the door and in came Mr. Mambo, their class teacher. He broke into a broad cheerful smile on seeing his pupil, whose face immediately lit up.

      “Mama Jakobo,” Mr Mambo said after settling down to a warm cup of tea. “I have come to congratulate you on the good work you have done; your son has improved in his class work. He has even caught up with his sister.” Jakobo’s mother did not know what to say.




26.   What did the children like about uncle Samba’s home?

A.    All the housework was done by the house help

B.     They liked spending their holidays there

C.     Uncle Samba did not mind them playing there

D.    It had a large playing space

27.   Why didn’t the children notice the mother hen and her chicks?

A.    They were too involved in their game

B.     There was little time left

C.     They had decided to enjoy themselves thoroughly

D.    It was the last day of the holiday

28.   The word “feeble” as used in the passage means

A.    Dying

B.     Soft

C.     Weak

D.    Slow

29.   Why do you think Jakobo whispered?

A.    He could not talk out loud

B.     He thought someone might hear them

C.     He did not want to frighten Fulora

D.    He was full of fear

30.   According to the fourth paragraph

A.    Fulora sometimes refused to do Jakobo’s work

B.     Jakobo sometimes did his work himself

C.     Fulora became a slave unconsciously

D.    Jakobo met Fulora whenever she protested

31.   Why did Fulora decide to expose the incident?

A.    Her mother was in high spirits

B.     Her brother was away

C.     She wanted to reveal everything

D.    She was tired of being blackmailed by Jakobo

32.   Jakobo came up with a task for Fulora when

A.    She appeared idle

B.     She tried to do her own work

C.     He had work at school or at home

D.    He saw her working

33.   Why was Fulora’s mother glad that she had confessed?

A.    She had been waiting for a long time for Fulora to confess

B.     She now knew that Fulora was as honest as she had claimed to be

C.     She already knew the whole truth

D.    She now knew Fulora would not be blackmailed anymore

34.   Why did Fulora ignore Jakobo when asked to remove his shoes?

A.    She knew he was not dog-tired

B.     She was now fed up with his threats

C.     She knew he had no power over her

D.    She was used to his usual threats

35.   Jakobo uses the word “murdered” to suggest that Fulora killed the chick

A.    And kept quiet

B.     Deliberately

C.     With the ball

D.    Carelessly

36.   Which of the following best explains why Jakobo was seething with anger?

A.    His sister betrayed him

B.     He tried to speak but words deserted him

C.     He thundered out of the room

D.    His sister had refused to carry out his instructions

37.   In the last paragraph, why didn’t Jakobo’s mother “know what to say?” she knew

A.    Jakobo was blackmailing his sister

B.     She hadn’t done any work

C.     Jakobo’s performance hadn’t really improved

D.    That the class teacher was ignorant

38.   The most important lesson we learn from this story is that

A.    It is important to be honest

B.     Blackmailing others is wrong

C.     Mistreating one’s sister is unfair

D.    It is always wrong to hide things

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

            There is no doubt that the taste, flavour and appearance of food have great influence on our desire for the food, or appetite. Most foods can be made more attractive by adding a wide range of spices, which also stimulate the flow of digestive juices and consequently improve digestion.

            In many communities today, spices are used in much smaller quantities and are not considered as important as they were a hundred years ago.

            Back then, most people did not have as wide a range of food as we have today. For this reason, large quantities of spices were essential to give variety to the monotonous salty flavour of food. In addition, spices were also used for medicinal purposes. Common ailments such as influenza and mild stomach upsets were dealt with using different kinds of food additives.

            Spices were probably first introduced to different parts of the world by Arab merchants; indeed Arabia was for a long time regarded as the home of spices. However, in actual sense, most of the spices first came from southern India and the Moluccas or Spice Islands.

            Spices originate from plants and can be classified according to the part of the plant from which they are derived. We have fruits spices, of which pepper is the most widely-used. Most of us probably associate pepper with that hot, stinging feeling which some people love. It is however important to note that that there are different varieties of this spice, some of which have no “hotness” at all. Seed spices are made from ground plant seeds. These kinds normally add more colour than flavour to food, the best known being mustard.

            The buds and stigmas of certain plants can be dried and ground to give us flower spices. These give our food a strong aroma and a desirable taste. Cloves are the best known in this category. The bark of some plants is removed and prepared to make bark spices such as cinnamon which is used to flavour cakes. Lastly, the lowest part of the plant, the root also contributes to the world of spices by giving us root spices. These are also known for their medicinal value. Ginger is best known root spice.

            Today, spices are packed and sold under different trade names, and some are mixed to come up with a blend. It is therefore advisable to know the ingredients of that packet of spices you want to buy to avoid wasting your money on a spice you did not intend to have on your table.

39.   Digestive juices are important because they improve our

A.    Appetite

B.     Digestion

C.     Range of spices

D.    Desire for food

40.   From the passage we learn that the taste, flavour and appearance of food

A.    Make it attractive to us

B.     Determine our choice of spices

C.     Influence our appetite

D.    Are important aspects in our diet

41.   Which of the following does not explain why spices were used more frequently a hundred years ago?

A.    The food was monotonous then

B.     People had a limited variety of food

C.     Spices were also used for medicinal purposes

D.    Spices added a new taste to common food

42.   According to the passage, Arab merchants

A.    Traded in spices

B.     Came from Southern India

C.     Stored and blended spices

D.    Were the first to use spices

43.   “derived” as used in the passage means

A.    Found

B.     Removed

C.     Obtained

D.    Produced

44.   Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “monotonous” as used in the passage?

A.    Unpleasant

B.     Boring

C.     Common

D.    Tasteless

45.   Pepper is given as an example of a

A.    Hot stinging feeling

B.     Fruit spice

C.     Widely-used spice

D.    Spice some people love

46.   Which of the following is true about seed spices?

A.    They are best known as mustard

B.     They do not add flavour to food

C.     They can be found on the ground

D.    They make food more attractive

47.   How are cloves similar to cinnamon?

A.    They are both from buds and stigmas

B.     They are used to flavour cakes

C.     They are the best known spices

D.    They both add flavour to food

48.   Which of the following is true of root spices?

A.    Are the lowest part of the plant

B.     Must be dried first

C.     Can cure some illnesses

D.    Are a type of ginger

49.   Why is it necessary to know the ingredients of packed spices before by them?

A.    You might waste your money

B.     You need to know if they are mixed

C.     Spices are sold under different trade names

D.    To avoid purchasing what you did not intend to

50.   What do we learn about spices from this passage?

A.    Some do not change the taste of food

B.     Most of them are blends

C.     Most of them are grown outside Africa

D.    Some are made from plants



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