President Ruto asked by clergy to read Joshua 1:8 What does it say?

Explore the reasons why President Ruto was asked to read Joshua 1:8 by the clergy, understanding the guidance it provides for leaders.

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President Ruto, Joshua 1:8, clergy, guidance, leadership

The Significance of President Ruto Reading Joshua 1:8: Guidance for Leaders from the Clergy

Joshua 1:8 says,

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Joshua 1:8

President Ruto was asked by the clergy to read this verse because it holds important principles and guidance for leaders and individuals alike.

This is as a result of President William Ruto expressing his disagreement with the recent ruling by the Judiciary regarding the Housing levy program, SHIF and sending of Kenya Police to Haiti. Despite the Court of Appeal’s decision to halt the collection of the levy, President Ruto has stated that the program will continue. He made these remarks during his visit to Kangeta market in Igembe Central, as part of his tour in Meru county.

The Court of Appeal declined to extend the order that allowed the government to collect the housing levy, which means that the state will no longer deduct money from the salaries of workers. However, President Ruto has maintained that the program will go on.

While acknowledging that his government respects the court’s ruling, President Ruto believes that it is not the right decision, especially considering the current high unemployment rate among Kenyan youth. He stated that the executive branch will appeal the court’s decision.

Here are some reasons why President Ruto was asked to read Joshua 1:8:

  1. To receive God’s blessing and guidance: By keeping the Book of the Law on his lips and meditating on it day and night, President Ruto can seek God’s wisdom and direction in his leadership.
  2. To get acknowledgement from the people being served: Reading and following the Word of God can help leaders gain the trust and support of the people they serve, as they see the leader’s commitment to God’s principles.
  3. It reminds the leader to stick to the church regulations and mission: By constantly meditating on the Word of God, President Ruto can be reminded of the importance of aligning his actions and decisions with the teachings of the church.
  4. To get the authority of God to lead: By following and obeying the Word of God, leaders can receive the authority and empowerment needed to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.
  5. It gives the leader courage and confidence to do his work: The Word of God provides encouragement and strength to leaders, helping them overcome challenges and make bold decisions in their leadership roles.
  6. It shows one’s willingness and commitment to serve: By reading and meditating on the Word of God, President Ruto demonstrates his willingness and commitment to serve the people with integrity and according to God’s principles.
  7. To emulate the Biblical way of commissioning servants of God: In the Bible, leaders were often commissioned by reading and meditating on the Word of God. By doing the same, President Ruto can follow in the footsteps of those who came before him and seek God’s guidance and favor in his leadership.

In conclusion, Joshua 1:8 emphasizes the importance of constantly meditating on the Word of God for leaders and individuals. President Ruto was asked to read this verse to remind him of the significance of aligning his actions and decisions with God’s teachings and to seek God’s guidance and empowerment in his leadership.

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