State two differences between the images formed by a pinhole camera and a plane mirror

differences between the images formed by a pinhole camera and a plane mirror

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Formation of Image: The way images are formed differs between a pinhole camera and a plane mirror. In a pinhole camera, an image is formed through the process of light passing through a small hole and projecting an inverted image on the opposite side of the camera. This is due to the principle of light traveling in straight lines. On the other hand, a plane mirror reflects light and forms an image by bouncing off the surface of the mirror. The image formed in a plane mirror is not inverted and appears to be at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

Size and Clarity of Image: The sizes and clarity of the images formed by a pinhole camera and a plane mirror also differ. In a pinhole camera, the image formed is relatively small and may lack sharpness or clarity. This is because the pinhole is a small aperture, limiting the amount of light entering the camera and reducing the resolution of the image. In contrast, a plane mirror reflects light in a way that preserves the size of the object being reflected. The image formed in a plane mirror is typically clear and well-defined, as long as the surface of the mirror is clean and undistorted.

In summary, the main differences between the images formed by a pinhole camera and a plane mirror are the way the images are formed and the size and clarity of the images. The pinhole camera forms an inverted image through the projection of light, while the plane mirror forms a non-inverted image through the reflection of light. Additionally, the image formed by a pinhole camera is relatively small and may lack clarity, while the image formed by a plane mirror preserves the size of the object and is typically clear and well-defined.

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