The table below shows the standard  reduction potentials for four half cells. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) The table below shows the standard  reduction potentials for four half cells. Study it and answer the questions that follow. (Letters are not the actual symbols of the elements)

Snap 2023 05 11 at 12.54.09

(i)Identify the strongest reducing agent                                                                               (1mk)


(ii) Write the equation for the reaction which takes place when solid G is added to a solution containing H2+ ions                                                                                                              (1mk)



(iii) Calculate the Eθ value for the reaction in (ii) above.                                                              (1mk)



(b) The diagram below shows the apparatus that can be used to electrolyse acidified water. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

Snap 2023 05 11 at 12.56.32

Identify the electrode at which oxidation takes place                                                        (1mk)


Give a reason why its necessary to acidify the water.                                                        (1mk)



Explain why hydrochloric acid is not used to acidify the water.                                      (2mks)


During the electrolysis of Acidified water, a current of 0.3A was passed for 30 minutes. Calculate the volume of gas produced at the Anode. (Molar gas volume = 24dm3, 1Faraday = 96500c)                                                                                                                             (3mks)



Snap 2023 05 11 at 13.02.09
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