The table below shows the atomic numbers and boiling points of elements U, V, W, X and Y. (not their actual symbols). Study it and answer the questions that follow

The table below shows the atomic numbers and boiling points of elements U, V, W, X and Y. (not their actual symbols). Study it and answer the questions that follow.

ElementAtomic numberBoiling point (0c)

(a)Select the elements which belong to the same;

      (i) Group                                                                                                                                        (1mk)


       (ii) Period                                                                                                                                       (1mk)


(b) Which element;

     (i) Is gaseous at room temperature? Explain (room temperature = 298K)                                    (2mks)


     (ii) Does not form an oxide                                                                                                         (1mk)


 (c) Write the

     (i) Formula of the sulphate of element V                                                                                        (1mk)


     (ii) Equation for the reaction between Y and W                                                                             (1mk)


(d) What type of bond exists in the compound formed between U and W? Give a reason for your answer.



(e) An aqeous sulphate of element V was electrolysed using carbon electrodes.

      Name the products at the;

  • Cathode                                                                                                                            (1mk)


  • Anode                                                                                                                               (1mk)



1a) i) Same group
U and Y
ii) Same period
V, W and X
b) i) X, B.p = (-186 + 273)
= 87k below room temperature
ii) X
c) i) V3(SO4)2
= V2 (SO4)3
ii) Y(s) + W2 2Y2W(s)
d) Ionic bond
U loses electrons, the electrons gained by W.
e) i) Cathode
Hydrogen gas
ii) Anode
Oxygen gas

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