Failure of King Saul

Failure of King Saul

  1. Saul demonstrated impatience in his leadership i.e he went a head to offer sacrifices to God instead of waiting for Samuel.
  2. He failed to obey God’s instructions to destroy everything and spared King Agag of the Amalekits.
  3. Saul became jealous and plotted to kill David when he learned that he had been chosen to be the next king of Israel.
  4. He consulted a medium so as to communicate with the spirit of Samuel who died, thus breaking the Mosaic Law which forbade divination.
  5. He committed suicide when he realized that the philistines would defeat them in battle.  This was a sin against God.
  6. He was not repentant of his mistakes.
  7. He took the best sheep and cattle from the Amalekites for self-gain; he cheated  Samuel that he wanted to offer the animals as sacrifice to God.
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