Explain the factors that led to the development of African Nationalism in South African.

Explain the factors that led to the development of African Nationalism in South African. (12 marks)

  1. Land alienation through the Native Land Act of 1913.
  2. The imposition of stringent Pass Laws which forced Africans to carry passes.
  3. The passing of Masters’ Servants Act which made it an offence for an African to leave his job before the period stated in contract.
  4. The Apartheid Laws and practices through such laws as Group Areas Act, The population Registration Act, The prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act.
  5. The creation  of Bantustan (African Reserves) homelands in less productive geographical areas.
  6. Denial of African participation in politics and civil representation.
  7. Dention and arrest of Africans without trial.
  8. The passing of Bantu Education Act of 1958.
  9. Unwillingness of whites to share power and authority with blacks.

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