Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke4:1-13)

Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke4:1-13)                

  1. Jesus ate nothing for forty days /was hungry.
  2. The devil told Jesus to command a stone to turn into bread if he is the son of God.
  3. Jesus responded that human beings do not live on bread alone
  4. Then the devil led Jesus to a high place/showed him all the kingdoms of the world.
  5. The devil told Jesus that he would give him all worldly authority/glory if the worshipped him.
  6. Jesus responded by saying that only the Lord God should be worshipped /served.
  7. The devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem/pinnacle
  8. The devil told Jesus to throw himself down from there.
  9. Jesus responded by saying that God should not be tempted/put to test. 

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