Give six reasons why it is important to have laws in a country.

Give six reasons why it is important to have laws in a country.

  1. Laws safeguard people’s rights/citizens’ rights.
  2. People’s property is protected under the law
  3. They protect the consumer from exploitation
  4. It allows/provides for economic development/growth.
  5. Individuals are able to enjoy the freedom of worship.
  6. The law acts as a check/measure of those in authority
  7. The law outlines how foreigners should be handled
  8. They control taxation/collection of revenue
  9. It enables the government to protect its citizens against oppression.
  10. The law determines the type of punitive measures for a crime done/prevents crime.
  11. It ensures political stability in a country nation
  12. It outlines the relationship between different nations/countries.

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