Give three proofs that the earth is almost spherical in shape.

Give three proofs that the earth is almost spherical in shape.

  • Circumnavigation of the earth. When one sails or flies along a straight path without changing direction, he or she comes back to the starting point.
  • The earth’s horizon appears spherical when observed from a high point.
  • Rising and setting of the sun, since people living in the east see the sun earlier than those in the west.
  • When a ship is approaching the land from the sea, an observer standing on a high cliff first sees the smoke, then the mast and finally the rest of the ship’s body.
  • During the eclipse of the moon, (lunar eclipse), a spherical shadow of the earth is cast on the moon.
  • All other planets are spherical, hence the Earth being a planet, is not an exception.
  • Photographs of the earth taken from the space by satellites show that the earth has a spherical shape.

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