The following is a list of students and their marks they scored in the various subjects


The following is a list of students and their marks they scored in the various subjects


(i)    Write a formula to calculate the following:    (3marks)

(a)    Total marks for Ken

= sum (B5:E5) OR = B5+C5+D5+E5

(b)Mean mark for Tim

= Average (B4:E4)

(c) The highest score for Kim

= max (B2:E2)

(ii) Write the formula to count all the computer students with marks greater than 60.  (2marks)

= COUNTIF(E2:E6,”>60”)

(iii) Give the functions of the following types of charts.  (3marks)

(a)    Pie chart

shows contribution of certain items to a grand total

(b)    Line graph

shows the trends and checking changes of value over time

(c)    Bar graph

it is used to compare values at given point in time

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