Explain the factors that influence the work output of a draught animal

Explain the factors that influence the work output of a draught animal   

  1. Age of the animal- young animal have low work output than mature animals
  2. Size of the animal – bigger animals have higher power output
  3. Level of training –  well-trained animals are more efficient than poorly trained ones. They are able to follow instructions
  4. Method of harnessing – Well – harnessed animals are more comfortable at work hence more efficient than poorly harnessed animals
  5. Body condition  – A well fed draught animal is strong and healthy hence has higher work output one that is poorly fed
  6. Weather conditions – Adverse temperature reduces the work output of draught animals. Animal work well under suitable weather conditions
  7. Duration/ hours of work – overworked animals tend to have low work output, draught animals should be given sufficient time to rest
  8. Condition of the working implements – Well maintained implements are easy to work with and this improves the work output of the animal

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