Describe the factors that influence milk composition in a dairy cow

Describe the factors that influence milk composition in a dairy cow   

  1. The age of the animal -Young animals produce milk with high BFC than older animals – Butter fat content decline with age
  2. Physiological condition of the animal such as emaciation, pregnancy and sickness e g  the butter fat content is low at late stages of pregnancy
  3. Stage of lactation and pregnancy – BFC is higher at middle stage of lactation period, while minerals and proteins are high at 2nd stage of lactation period.
  4. Completeness of milking – last drawn milk contains 10% of the total fat % in milk
  5. Time of milking – milk produced in the morning has low fats than that in the evening
  6. Breed of the animal- different breeds produce milk with different composition % e g BFC
  7. Season of the year- fats % increase during the cold season as the other constituents decrease   -lactose and protein
  8. Type of feed eaten/nutritional level- animals fed on roughages produce milk rich in lactose, fat and proteins than those fed on grains
  9. Diseases/health of the animal e.g.- mastitis reduce lactose in milk as the bacteria attack sugars and animal under treatment of different drugs produce milk with variable composition.

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