Describe artificial brooding of layer chicks from day old up to eight weeks.

Describe artificial brooding of layer chicks from day old up to eight weeks.

  1. Construct the brooder 2 – 3 days before the arrival of chicks.
  2. Clean and disinfect the brooder.
  3. Place litter on the flour 10cm deep. preferably saw dust
  4. Spread newspapers on the litter to prevent the chicks from eating litter
  5. Clean and disinfect the equipment and test  them to ensure they are working
  6. Lit the brooder 6 hours before the arrival of chicks
  7. Put feed and water in the containers
  8. Confine the brooder space to prevent the chicks straying from the source of heat
  9. Placethe chicks in the brooder during the day to familiarize with the brooder
  10. If they are stressed and weak on arrival, they should be given glucose in water
  11. If source of heat is charcoal burners, they should be guarded with wire mesh.
  12. Feed the chicks on chick marsh for fast growth, which is later mixed with growers mash.
  13. Provide clean water regularly
  14.  Given the chicks constant attention in the first 2 weeks
  15. Remove the dead chicks from the brooder
  16. Vaccinate the chicks against Gambaro at 2 weeks, Newcastle at 4 weeks and fowl typhoid at 7 weeks of age
  17. Dust the chicks against external parasites
  18. Provide coccidiostats in water to control coccidiosis.
  19. Provide adequate water and feed troughs
  20. Isolate and treat the sick chicks immediately
  21. Keep proper records
  22. Provide roosts for chicks to perch on the 6th week
  23. Introduce growers mash mixed with chick mash on the 7th week
  24. De-break the chicks 10 days before and after brooding
  25. Remove chicks from the brooder to the main house on 8wk
  26. Provide litter 30cm deep on the flour to maintain warmth
  27. Maintain the correct temperature in the brooder according to age
  28. Maintain proper ventilation by adjusting the openings
  29. Provide appropriate light (dim light)

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