Explain five social effects of urbanization in Europe during the 19th century

Explain five social effects of urbanization in Europe during the 19th century. (10mks)

  • Migration of people to urban centres / led to overcrowding.
  • Inadequate housing due to high concentration of people in urban centres.
  • Poor sewerage and sanitation facilities exposed people to diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
  • Concentration of industries led to environmental pollution which resulted to respiratory ailment / diseases.
  • Concentration of people led to shortage of food which resulted in malnutrition.
  • Frustration and suffering in urban area led to anti-social behaviour such as drug abuse, alcoholism and prostitution.
  • Increase in crime rate and violence created fear and insecurity.
  • Poor working conditions e.g. child labour, long working hours and lack of workman’s compensation dehumanized
  • urban dwellers.
  • High concentration of people in urban centres strained the social amenities.
  • Excessive rural immigration led to unemployment.
  • Led to social interaction between different classes of people.
  • Shortage of housing led to development of slums.       

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