The apparatus shown below is used to investigate an aspect of photosynthesis. Examine it carefully and answer the questions that follow.


The apparatus shown below is used to investigate an aspect of photosynthesis. Examine it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The apparatus shown below is used to investigate an aspect          of photosynthesis. Examine it carefully and answer the questions          that follow.

What aspect of photosynthesis is being investigated? (1mk)

To show oxygen is released during photosynthesis.

How can you verify the identity of the gas that accumulates in the test tube? (1mk)

By inserting a glowing splint which should burst into flames.

What is the role of sodium hydrogen carbonate? (1mk)

To release Carbon (IV) Oxide

What environmental factors are required in order to get a positive result? (2mks)

  • Adequate temperature
  • Light


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